The Great Grace Church
The Great Grace Church
"Where Hope is Communicated.."
Contact Us
Contact Us
First Time Visitors
Where is the Church?
Great Grace is located at 411 Oswego Street, Syracuse, New York 13204
Clicking here will take you to a map of the area and provide you with details.
Where do I park?
There is no off-street parking. Every door in the building will be unlocked. Once you enter the building, please ask a greeter or the person at the Information Desk in the Foyer for more direction.
When do I need to arrive on Sunday?
Sunday worship time is 11:00 am so arrive early to get the seat of your choice or to find the friend(s) you desire to sit with.
Sunday small group Bible study classes take place at 9:30.
What if I want to attend on Wednesday?
We would love for you to join us anytime you can. Family Night Supper is a midweek break from the hassle of cooking and an opportunity to spend a meal meeting people and talking with new friends. There is no cost the first time you join us! Supper is from 6:00 to 6:40. You are also invited to stay for Bible study. All of this takes place in the Fellowship Hall on the bottom floor.
What should I wear?
Great Grace is a mixture of people from different backgrounds and cultures. So,
dress comfortably. While some people dress up, others wear what is referred to
as business casual. Wednesday nights are always casual. Just come and experience God's love and don't worry about the way you dress.
411 Oswego Street
Syracuse, New York 13204